John with Steve Reich, John Corigliano, Mark Adamo, Robert Spano, and Jennifer Higdon, 2004
John Mackey with the string quartet, Ethel, November 2002, #1
John with Ethel, November 2002, #2
Ethel playing "Strange Humors," November 2002
John speaking at Forest Lake Middle School, Minneapolis, Nov. 2002
John Mackey photo #1, taken May 2000
John Mackey photo #2, also taken May 2000
John Mackey with choreographer Robert Battle
John Mackey with John Corigliano
John Mackey with mother and sister, 1977
Twelfth Night set (design by Michael Yeargan), 2001
Musicians & Jesse Lenat from Twelfth Night, 2001
John Mackey with Donald Erb, 2001
John Mackey with bike, 2001
Note that the blog has many, many, many more recent photos throughout the entries going back to the first entries in late 2003.