Drum Music with Paul Rennick

Here’s a new video of Paul Rennick and the University of North Texas Concert Band (conducted by Nicholas Williams) performing the end of my percussion concerto, “Drum Music.” A fantastic performance, starting here with the cadenza before the third movement (“Incinerate”).

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The Frozen Cathedral : this week!

Tomorrow afternoon, I fly to Greensboro, NC, for the bi-annual CBDNA National Convention. There will be no fewer than 10 world premiere performances this week, and FOUR of them are on Friday’s UNCG (University of North Carolina Greensboro) concert. That concert will feature the new music from Scott Lindroth (“Alarm Calls”), Steven Bryant (“Solace”), Joel Puckett (“Short Stories”), and me (“The Frozen Cathedral“).

UNCG “previewed” these pieces over the past several months, giving all of us composers the opportunity to make revisions (which I did.  Did you know that bass flute is really quiet and easy to cover?). They also recorded all of these pieces with several multi-hour recording sessions for each piece. In my case, this meant two back-to-back weekends spent flying back and forth to Greensboro.

There are worse things. There’s some very good food in Greensboro – like the new Wolfgang Puck Pizza bar. (I’ll be returning there this week.)

The recording sessions went really well. (You’ll see!  The recording will be on iTunes on Friday!) This is Dennis, the engineer.

“The Frozen Cathedral” requires 10 percussionists. TEN. (Don’t worry; we banish three of them to the balcony.) Here I am with the percussionists and their great professor, Kristopher Keeton.

Recording music is very serious business and requires me to wear my Serious Person Glasses.

The players — and conductor, John Locke — were incredible. This was eight hours recording very difficult music.

When it was all done, we celebrated with a cocktail. I give you (what else?) “The Frozen Cathedral” : vodka, rum, sour, pineapple, and Blue Curaçao. (This was surprisingly good.)

A good time was had by all. *

* child in photograph was not at the bar

The “preview” performance and the recording sessions were great — but those are nothing compared to what will happen this Friday night, when UNCG performs their full program. There won’t be a dry seat in the house.

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Ryan K says

Looks like the recording, as well as one of "Mass," is already available ($9.99/each...!). Is this correct?


The recording is up, yes, but the price is not correct. You could buy it now for $9.99, but it will be $1.99 on Friday. (I don't have anything to do with the "Mass" recording.)

Anna B says

So say I'm a student at Chapel Hill and somehow manage to bum a ride up to UNCG for the concert. What are the chances I would be able to meet you? (slash get a picture with you so all my geeky music friends are jealous)

Joel D says

I had the opportunity to hear the University of Oklahoma perform The Frozen Cathedral this evening, really enjoyed the piece. Another great one!

Felix G says

I was surprised that the cocktail you guys drank after the recording session wasn't "Asphalt Cocktail"!

Laurie says

I love this piece! Words can't describe how awesome it is! And when I found out that UNCG was the first to perform it, I became even happier because that is one of the colleges on my list (I'm a high school junior). Of my top ten, I think it's in the top five or three. This definitely makes UNCG's music program a lot more attractive to me, as well as Mackey's compositions because so far, I really haven't experienced or listened to any of them. Keep up the great work!!!

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Sheltering Sky with the US Air Force Band

In December at The Midwest Clinic, the United States Air Force Band performed my piece, “Sheltering Sky,” guest conducted by Tim Lautzenheiser. The performance was just breathtaking, and I’m so happy to be able to finally share this recording. Thank you to Dr. Tim and all of the players.

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Altissimo Recordings says

Absolutely gorgeous!

Lexi says



Scot says

Dr. Tim Rocks.

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