Chicago schedule

On Tuesday afternoon, I head to the Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, the annual schmooze-fest for music educators around the country (and several people from other countries as well).  For those interested, here’s where I’ll be in case you want to say howdy (or are just interested in snickering at my pointy shoes).

Tuesday: arrive early evening, get some dinner, and have a drink at the Hilton Bar.

Wednesday:  Coffee, followed by exhibit floor roaming
3:45pm: rehearsal with the Dekaney High School Wind Ensemble on “Xerxes,” McCormick room W476
Drinks at the Hilton Bar  (are you seeing a pattern yet?)

Thursday: Coffee, more exhibit roaming
5:30pm: The annual Michigan State reception, which is always a fun time
Quick dinner
8:30pm: Dekaney High School Wind Ensemble concert, featuring “Xerxes
Drinks… probably at the Hilton bar

Friday, 11:40am: rehearsal clinic with Kevin Sedatole (Michigan State’s Director of Bands) and the Jefferson High School Band, who will have an open rehearsal on “Hymn to a Blue Hour,” room W183
Also at 11:40am: the Liberty High School Sax Quartet gives a concert featuring “Strange Humors” in room W190.  “Strange Humors” is towards the end of the concert, so I’ll start at Jefferson High School’s open rehearsal at 11:40, then run to room W190 to catch the sax quartet.
Lunch, probably somewhere offensively overpriced at the convention center.  (I’ll be the first to happily pay $25 for a spoonful of aged balsamic, but I seriously resent a $9.50 slice of nasty food court pizza.)
5:30pm: Texas A&M Wind Orchestra concert, featuring “Hymn to a Blue Hour
Dinner, and then…
Oh, you can guess.  It involves the Hilton Bar.

Saturday: crack’o’dawn, flight home to Austin

Will I see you at Chicago?

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Shawn Smith says

Just make sure you don't mix up your morning coffee with your evening drinks! Have a good time--sadly I will be spending Midwest week here in Corpus.

Kevin Howlett says

I stopped telling people I was going to go to Midwest because I ended up never being able to make it. This year is no different.

Jake Wallace says

There really needs to be a better place to drink than the Hilton. It is unequivocally my least favorite bar in the world (and I've been to my share of cookie-cutter strip mall Applebee's-like "Irish pubs" in my life). But yes, you'll see me there.

I may even wear some pointy shoes. It is the holidays, after all.

Robert Deal says

I'm just restarting my band career after 13 years in commercial music sales. I am delighting in your glib reports and the beauty of your compositions. I will work to conduct your selections on an ever-increasing diffculty level.
Robert Deal
Virginia Beach Municipal Band

Cathy says

Not gonna make it this year. I'll miss chatting it up with everyone at the Hilton Bar and in the exhibit hall (notice which I put first). Hope Abby doesn't get delayed with her flight this year, thanks to some crazy note-leaving fool. Or is she joining you this year after last year's adventure?

Be safe.

Cody says

Sounds like quite the event! The University of Iowa Saxophone Ensemble is going to be performing. Sadly, I didn't make it in, but they gave their pre-clinic concert on Friday evening and they sounded GREAT! Should be a fun week!

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Performance list update

I finally updated the Performance List with all of the known upcoming performances.  If you’re performing one of my pieces, but you don’t see that performance listed, please let me know.

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Kingfishers Catch BluRay

In late October (yes, I’m a little behind here), the University of Texas Wind Ensemble made a new recording.  This will be a follow-up to their recording of “Circus Maximus,” John Corigliano’s masterpiece for large wind ensemble with antiphonal (“surround sound”) players.  That recording is on both two-channel CD and 5.1-channel BluRay, and was the first BluRay release on the Naxos label.  To follow up, Jerry Junkin (the Director of Bands at UT, in case you’ve been living under a non-musical rock — and if that’s the case, I don’t really know how you found this blog, unless you’re looking for pictures of food p*rn or pictures of my cat

— anyway, Jerry Junkin is following up that first release with a new recording entirely of music composed with antiphonal players.  The pieces on the new album, to be released in 2011, are Steve Bryant’s incredibly virtuosic Concerto for Wind Ensemble (which had premiered just days before the recording session), Joel Puckett’s beautiful new flute concerto, “The Shadow of Sirius,” and my piece, “Kingfishers Catch Fire.”

Before we begin, let’s have a chunky fruity cocktail with Steve. Tell me, Steve… What’s it like to be… Steve?

One thing composers have in common: we apparently like to photograph recording sessions.  I know Steve does…

… and so does Joel.

For good reason. Recording sessions are a rare event for a composer, and to have your music recorded in surround…

… with tens-of-thousands of dollars of high-end equipment…

… is clearly something to be taken seriously.

I often write about the incredible food I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy. Just to be clear, it ain’t always Eleven Madison Park, people.

It takes a lot of wire — and a great big contrabass clarinet — to make a truly exceptional recording.

Here, Silas Brown, the recording engineer, adjusts some microphones. This is high-tech work, as made apparent by the witch’s broom (the secret weapon of any great recording engineer).

The recording producer was David Frost, who has won Grammy awards (and is nominated again this year) for Classical Producer of the Year.  Good lord, this man was incredible.  He could hear my music better than I could, and he had an awe-inspiring way of running the session, knowing exactly what to tell the players — and exactly how to say it so they weren’t discouraged at any point during the zillion-hour sessions.  (Very different from my personal style, which usually leans towards, “y’all suck.  Do it again. Also, you suck.”  My method is often counterproductive, I find.)

The sessions for Kingfishers Catch Fire went perfectly. How the first horn made it through, with 32 high C’s — multiplied by however many takes we did — I’ve no idea, but wow.

I don’t know how Jerry Junkin consistently manages to get people of this level to work with his groups (hello, Hila Plitman, Grammy-winner, who performed with the band in 2009?!), but whenever I’m allowed to be part of the fun, I’m honored and humbled.  Thank you Jerry — and thank you to David, Silas, and the entire UT Wind Ensemble.  Can’t wait for that BluRay next year!

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Geoff says

He manages to get such high levels of people because of the eyebrows. They hold power.

Sarah Strong says

Mark my words: If I'm ever able to play again the first thing I'm learning is that concerto.

Steven Bryant says

Sweet. That photo of Joel is excellent.

It looks like I'm almost doing the "Markowski" in the fruit cocktail whatever-that-was picture. I have no recollection of why I did that.


Joel Puckett says

That is a good photo of me. ;-)

I look upset that I haven't had a chance to eat any of those amazing donuts.

Great times. I second the Gorilla: I can't wait to pop this thing in! All the more reason to look forward to Christmas next year.

Spoiler alert: Christmas 2011 shopping is done. All parties will be receiving this disc with a bow on it.

Angela Fiorini says

I made it through just fine and had a lot of fun at that session, keep the high C's coming!

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