Pac-Man purchases — part 2

I already blogged about the hand-held Pac-Man video game that I bought on EBay. A few days before I bought that, I was the winning bidder on a super-sweet Pac-Man video game watch from 1983. When the watch arrived, though, it was busted. The little Pac-Man characters moved around the screen, but the buttons didn’t work, so I couldn’t set the time, and even worse, I couldn’t play Pac-Man. I returned the watch to the seller, and he, somehow, had a whole stock of them on-hand, and the replacement watch arrived today.

Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. At first, I was worried that this one was messed up, too, because when I played the game, there was no sound. I figured out how to get the sound on, but only after setting the alarm. (You have to enable the alarm for any sound to work on the watch.) For some inexplicable reason, the alarm on the Pac-Man watch is “Dixie.” If the seller weren’t from NYC, I’d suspect this to be some covert way to sneak old Southern tunes into coastal states, but that seems a stretch. Why a Japanese watch maker would sell a video game watch with “Dixie” as the alarm song — and not, I don’t know, “Pac-Man Fever” — is beyond me, but it made me laugh.

Speaking of Japanese watch makers, I also recently purchased this sucker, straight from a store in Japan. It weighs about 11 pounds, and it’s tough to tell from the picture, but it’s shiny, pimpin’ gold.

I totally dig it, as it looks like something Michael Knight would use to get K.I.T.T.’s attention. One guy told me it looked like something out of Six Million Dollar Man. Either way, it totally screams “techno pimp.”

I don’t know. Maybe I should wear both watches simultaneously, 1980’s Swatch-style.

Loki loved the whole watch delivery thing. Boxes and bags — two of Loki’s favorites. Here, Loki sits on the bags to keep them warm for me. Thanks, little guy.

Several months ago, AEJ and I found our latest dream house. They’re having another open house this Sunday, so we’re going back. It’s roughly $1.6 million outside of our price range, but it’ll be fun to see it again. We’re considering bringing food to cook out there, and our swimsuits so we can try the hot tub and pool. I can’t imagine the broker would have any problem with that. And who would dare question me, in my techno-pimp watch?


Lissajeen says

Good choice. For that, I'd move!

Michael Markowski says

I'm happy to know that, when I buy a score from you, the money is going to good use. :)

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