October 17, 2008
The short score draft of Asphalt Cocktail is — I think — done. Some more tweaks, for sure, and then… I start orchestrating the full score.
This one is unabashedly head-banging — if one were to head-bang in 7/8. Maybe that’s what they do in Greece. (Have you ever noticed how much Greek music is in 7/8? And I’m not just talkin’ about Yanni!)
Steve from Austin says
Wow... Nice sweater Yanni...
Nikk says
Are we sure that is a sweater and not, you know....Greek chest, back, and arm hair?
Kevin Howlett says
Η ζώνη μας εκτέλεσε ακριβώς δύο κομμάτια της ελληνικής μουσικής, αφήσαμε έξω τις μετακινήσεις σε επτά κτυπάμε. Προκαλούσαν πάρα πολύ πρόβλημα.
Mark S. says
I love 7/8.
as long as the meter of the eighth notes don't change.
Scott says
John, I'm particularly looking forward to hearing this one. And once again, kudos to Newman for generously donating a most Mackey-esque title to you.
Kevin, even after a Google translation, it's still Greek to me.
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