Memphis fun

AEJ and I were in Memphis over the weekend for AEJ’s high school reunion. When we landed in Memphis, AEJ’s mom drove us straight to lunch at one of our favorite places, Tops Bar-B-Q. Mmm, burgers and baked beans.

This is AEJ’s mom’s cat, Max.

That night, her mom took us to a lovely dinner at Owen Brennan’s, a Memphis steak house. I had the lobster / stuffed-shrimp combo. (Who knew you could stuff crab meat into a shrimp? Well, you can.)

For dessert, because I’m apparently an attention hound, I ordered the bananas foster — originally created in 1951 at Brennan’s Restaurant in New Orleans.

On Sunday, we had a great time at a picnic and concert at the Dixon Gallery. I dug the bluegrass music. (I’m a big fan — see Wrong-Mountain Stomp.) I didn’t whistle along, though.

I played a little with shutter speeds on the new camera. Here’s a really fast shutter speed, making this rabbit appear to be spitting frozen water.

And here’s a slower shutter speed, making the water look smoother and more glassy.

There were lots and lots of kids at this picnic. I’m not normally a fan of “children,” but it’s fun to take their picture. Here, some kid was forced to dress like a knight. I’m so sorry I didn’t get a picture of him head-on, ’cause wow, poor kid.

This kid tried to hide her camouflaged-self in the flowers, but she wasn’t fooling anybody. I can still see you, little girl.

Okay, this kid is admittedly pretty cute.

Look over there! Fun stuff!

Woo hoo! Balloons! Some children are easily entertained.

Some kids, though, need more excitement. This was probably the most fun thing at the picnic — the sort of mini-bungee setup with a trampoline.

Some kids thoroughly embraced the fun.

Others — not so much.

When kids were bad, they were thrown onto the velcro wall. I think every parent needs one of these.

This kid is more my speed. He’s building a little stick house. I pick this kid.

It was a wonderful trip, and great to see AEJ’s family again — and meet her high school classmates. (She, not surprisingly, is by far the hottest one in her class.) I also enjoyed meeting Max, although he never quite warmed up to me the way I’d hoped.

Now, though, it’s time to get back to work. Hooray, saxophone!


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