On the road… again

AEJ and I are off to the east coast tomorrow morning. We’ll drop off Loki with our neighbors, then head to LAX and fly to JFK. After a night at Newman’s, we’ll go on our little road trip up to Williamstown, MA, where Newman’s family has a beautiful country place. First thing Thursday morning, I’ll drive 45 minutes to Tanglewood to work with Bob Reynolds on his next performance of “Redline Tango,” this time with the Boston University Tanglewood Institute Wind Ensemble. I think this is the fourth band with whom he’s done the piece. (He’s also doing it tomorrow at Tanglewood — in the shell — as part of “Tanglewood on Parade.”) I’m a major Bob Reynolds fan, to state the obvious. That’s why I dedicated “Turning” to him.

Coincidentally, right after the Tanglewood rehearsal, I’ll head to Mass MoCA — a great contemporary art museum in North Adams, MA — to hear a performance of “Breakdown Tango” by a chamber group performing on the Bang on a Can Summer Festival there.

Friday night is the Tanglewood concert — and more importantly, Jonathan Newman‘s birthday. Shoot Newman a birthday greeting on Friday!

Probably not a lot of blogging from the road, due to the lack of Internets in the country, but I may find a way to upload a picture or two…


Cathy says

I don't know if you got my message today but send us "Strange Humors" as soon as you get back. The kids are UBER excited about the fact that we want to play it. Now, to convince Brian to let me conduct it....

Sarah says

speaking of leaving loki with your neighbors, how are your new neighbors (the couple who moved into the huge house next door)?

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